My name is Radana Makariusová and I would be happy to guide you on your journey to inner peace.

I have been doing meditation, inner prayer, mental exercises and mental techniques since I was a child. At the age of 15, I went to the USA for a one-year stay, which turned out to be very challenging. In order to be able to cope with the difficult situation overseas and without my loved ones, my parents started sending me books to support me in my inner mental work. And so a journey into my inner self has begun.

In my academic work, I wrote seven books and lectured at many conferences and universities abroad. In this stage of my life, I have learnt the valuable skill of systematic work and the art of assembling information in a comprehensible and interesting way so that the result would be both attractive and meaningful to the listener and reader.

Gradually, I put together an approach aimed at liberating one´s thinking which I coined as the Mind Yoga.

The Mind Yoga approach is based on my lifelong study and practice of inner meditation which can be understood as the art of mastering one´s mind calming and liberating processes based on the approach focusing on the inner kind consciousness, It also contains many insights I have received during my several solitary retreats in the quietness of the Sahara desert, in the seclusion of Bohemian monasteries and thanks to the fulfilling mystery of the Hawaiian aloha. I consider all these gifts, together with my family, with deepest gratitude as my life’s blessings and I feel it is my duty to pass on all that I have received to those who are interested and will hear their calling.

„May our life be joyful, pleasant, may we feel light and full of energy. Let us indulge in total release from our own unpleasant burdens by gradually mastering the art of liberating ourselves with the mind yoga.

radana karariusová

mind yoga

akagemie jogy mysli

It is a holistic transformational approach that takes us inward to fulfil our inner potential and develop a sense of joy. The Mind Yoga brings release from our inner mental burdens, it transforms, calms and brings us closer to our inner self and makes us experience the lightness of being.

The Mind Yoga is the art of inner kind consciousness and conscious being so that we feel comfortable, free and at ease.

The art of mind yoga gradually leads us to stop the mind and transcend it, allowing us to recognise the lightness of infinite being.

The Mind Yoga approach is a welcoming, relaxing and fulfilling art. Overall, it relaxes and brings joy. It focuses on calming the mind, inducing inner peace and well-being, offering tools for stress management and anxiety reduction.

It gradually helps us to understand the mind and our inner self, to develop conscious activity, to improve concentration and inner kind consciousness to find life balance and harmony.

The Mind Yoga and the art of kind inner consciousness gradually bring relaxation and understanding that everything happens naturally, without us having to exert any pressure at any cost whatsoever. Gradually, this leads to complete lightness, relaxation and knowledge of the self.

For today’s busy person, I have gradually put together both ancient and modern relaxing mental techniques of inner kind consciousness and I am calling it the Mind Yoga Academy.


The Mind Yoga Academy program leads us to inner liberation and rediscovery of inner harmony and carries an immense transformative potential. It is a varied combination and integration of mental exercises. Therefore, within the framework of the Mind Yoga, we mainly practice conscious mental activities and skills, which gradually emerge from a total inner calm. We come to realization that our path to inner liberation actually begins in our inner self.

The Mind Yoga program consists of written texts (chapters) on diverse topics such as success, fear, joy, inner peace, etc. and is accompanied by mental techniques with detailed instructions about how to practice them.

radana konzultace

Gradually the art of inner consciousness is being mastered and a general release from inner pressure is achieved.


Individual guidance

Meetings take place once every 14 days in person or online

The length of the course is designed to allow ample time and space to work with one´s mind

Teaching the mastery of simple mental techniques as well as advanced meditative and contemplative techniques

All parts of the course are linked together by practicing the art of inner concentration, kind inner consciousness and conscious thinking on a variety of topics

All study materials are available

Meetings are tailor-made to best fit your time availability

The entire program is accompanied by elaborated text created for the purposes of the Mind Yoga Academy

Eighty topics have been prepared for mental processing

In the Mind Yoga Academy, we mainly practice our conscious mental activity and abilities, which gradually emerge from our total inner calm. We realize that our path to inner liberation begins in our inner self.


The Mind Yoga and the Mind Yoga Academy are suitable for everyone who wishes to experience inner transformation and the ease of beling. It is suitable for everyone who feels that they would like to open themselves to new possibilities of inner transformation towards lightness, inner peace and abundance of absolute being. The Mind Yoga is for everyone who hears their inner voice calling for change leading to complete liberation by means of dissolving one’s own ego. No one can do this transformation for us; only we can do it through our own experience which begins right inside our inner self.

For more information, see the FAQ section below.

You feel that you wish to get to know your existence.

You believe there is a power that transcends us.

You wish to relax and know your true nature.

You wish to experience freedom and calm.

Be part of a community of people who care for their mental health and who support each other on their journey to our inner personal development.


Part 1

The first part of the one-year individual course focuses on mental techniques and their development leading towards inner relaxation.

It focuses on the basic principles of thinking in everyday life topics such as inner kind consciousness meditation, courage, clinging, fear, change, decision, etc. The art of inner kind consciousness gradually relaxes the mind and we notice a significant transformation of reality towards ease and inner peace.

Besides regular face-to-face consultations, the annual guidance includes the possibility of an ad-hoc consultation by phone or email.

3 999 EUR

*The price can be divided into four payments per year.

Part 2

The second part of the one-year individual course is for those who are already more advanced and it focuses on mastering the art of inner concentration and conscious thought.

We focus on deepening the art of quieting our mind, of achieving complete inner relaxation, on inner work with negative emotions and on development of conscious calm and peace.

Besides regular face-to-face consultations, the annual guidance includes the possibility of an ad-hoc consultation by phone or email.

3 599 EUR

*The price can be divided into four payments per year.

Part 3

In the third part of the one-year individual advanced course, we focus on techniques teaching us to control our mind aimed at slowing the mind to focus on one thing only.

It involves creating the habit of stopping all mental activity and making the mind empty.

Besides regular face-to-face consultations, the annual guidance includes the possibility of an ad-hoc consultation by phone or email.

3 199 EUR

*The price can be divided into four payments per year.

Special offer of the Mind Yoga Academy Foundation Program

Would you like to try mind yoga – the art of inner kind consciousness and the relaxing power of mental techniques?

Sign up for the Foundation Program of the Mind Yoga Academy for three months, i.e.
7 individual meetings.

The course is held in the same way as the forthcoming parts and you have the opportunity to try the overall process of mind yoga practices at a discounted price.
If, after the end of the Foundation Program, you decide to continue with the Mind Yoga Academy, we will continue smoothly and the price paid will be deducted from the price of the annual guidance.

Price for three-month individual guidance for the Foundation Program

21.000 CZK/849 EUR


I have taken many courses and learnt techniques to help me abandon some old and burdensome programs. I don’t regret it, each one has moved me forward and led me to the next path.

But the Mind Yoga Academy course is different. The goal is not to revisit the past and look for more skeletons but to focus on inner happiness, well-being and inner peace, on the light that is within each of us.

We all long to be accepted and loved, we all want to feel good. And who else can give us this but ourselves?

Radana has led me to this path very kindly and lovingly, without any pressure.

I have learned to be my own healer, to let go of what I no longer wish to carry in my life, to accept things as they are and to connect with my inner joy. I understood that my happiness lies within me, it is not based somewhere outside me.

For a long time, I didn’t believe that working with one´s mind and strengthening one´s inner joy could be learned and reinforced through regular practice.

Now I don´t doubt it anymore. Due to regular meetings, there is no room to skip various exercises and texts and I have gradually developed habits that focus me on the INSIDE of myself, on my present happiness, joy and inner well-being.

I am very grateful for my decision to join this course and I would like to thank Radana from the bottom of my heart. It was a beautiful choice and journey.

Thank you,

I met Radana in my freshman year at the university. When she first walked into the lecture hall, everything got quiet. A very unique and charismatic personality entered the room and there was something supernatural about her. It was incredible what this beautiful young woman has already accomplished in her life and it was admirable that she did not keep it all to herself and in her own unique way passed it onto all of us.

Thanks to Radana, I have learnt that if you want something, you can achieve it but you have to start thinking differently; you must focus inward, on your inner peace. You must not be afraid to abandon long-ingrained mental mechanisms that have not worked too well and start to change them with inner peace and inward focus. Only then will things begin to change. Each of us has a mission in this world and the moment we understand it we can be happy and spread our happiness.

I greatly value our friendship that has lasted after my graduation and I will never stop thanking Radana for bringing me to where I am today.

The Mind Yoga Academy is a very sensitively and comprehensively designed program that works. I am very comfortable with Radana’s empathetic and patient approach and her unflaggingly positive mind and support. The program helps me calm my mind, gain a bird-eye perspective on everything around me, it gives me an insight into my needs, into and about myself. I had the best experience from the year-long course and I have gradually gained a lot of confidence by focusing inwards. The various mental techniques I learnt in the course will help me to transform my attitude.

I also went on a transformative journey to the Sahara Desert with Radana and this was a totally unique and magical experience for me. At times I reached very deep into my self but it just had a tremendously relaxing and transformative effect. For myself, I would say the Sahara journey is a “must do” after completing the first year of the Yoga Mind Academy as it helped me greatly to immerse into my inner self without outside interferences.

I can only recommend Radana, her Mind Yoga Academy as well as the Sahara journey, all of which I have happily completed.


I took my first steps towards inner work at the age of 15 when I had to overcome a very challenging period without my loved ones during a year-long stay in the USA in the early 90s. My parents started sending me books about the power of the subconscious, about overcoming oneself, etc. They were books that had just come on the market at that time. I started studying them and came to an understanding that although I cannot change my circumstances, I can change my attitude. And there began my journey to my inner prayer, to my first relaxation and meditation exercises, etc.

I found that it is meaningful to work with one’s mind because the mind is very malleable and we can change many things such as our beliefs, attitudes, etc.

Through my further study of the wokings of the mind, I learnt very subtle techniques of inner inner kind consciousness that lead us deeper inside ourselves achieving stillness and inner peace.
To this day, I have read thousands of texts which have always happened to come by me at the right time so that I could understand and process them and comprehend the messages authors tried to convey.

In the span of nearly 30 years, I have put together a method/approach/mindset based on the sources of human wisdom from our history that holds the potential for inner liberation for each of us. While the mind yoga is all the above, it is also our deep commitment to mental practice and work on ourselves.

The mind yoga is the mental art of inner kind consciousness as well as a process of mastering the self. The mind yoga takes us inside our inner essence of being. The essence of the mind yoga is connecting with our inner self and inner peace. Through practice, we gradually discover and experience that beyond the restless mind there lies an infinite space of peace, calm and self-fulfillment.

The mind yoga primarily focuses on ease. We learn to train the mind to lead us to inner ease, relaxation and freedom.

The mind yoga has a very transformative potential; it is a process of mastering mental, relaxation and meditation techniques during which we transform our own attitude in order to achieve ease, joy and self-fulfillment.

I have made the art of the mind yoga the basis for the Mind Yoga Academy (MYA) study program, which is a one-year program based on individual guidance with a possible two-year extention.

MYA includes over 80 chapters focusing on topics and issues from everyday life such as joy, clinging, fear, etc. While practicing a variety of mental relaxation and meditation techniques, which are also described in these chapters, we gradually become aware of how we think about these topics.

While most of you may perhaps be more familiar with the term „mindfulness“, I find it more appropriate to use the term „inner consciousness“ as it better explains the practice with one’s mind I am keen on teaching as part of the mind yoga program.

We are emptying our mind not fullfilling it.

The Mind Yoga Academy takes place in the form of individual bi-weekly consultations in person or online, depending on your preference and availability. Ahead of each consultation I always send one of the topics (on success, on mindfulness, on forgiveness, etc.), which have been elaborated into an interactive chapter. Through the text, we become aware of the role a particular issue plays in our lives and how we think about it. The interactive text helps us become aware of our beliefs and of anything that might be negatively impacting us and/or putting pressure on us. Also, each chapter includes one mental exercise to work with over two weeks. The mental exercises are designed to teach us to be at ease with our life and to let go of possible life dramas.

The mental exercises consist of various relaxation, meditation and contemplation techniques. They lead us inward and are mainly aimed at teaching us inner kind consciousness

The aim is to feel at ease and be completely relaxed.

The mental techniques I have put together over the past 30 years comprise a method aimed at na overall inner relaxation, possibly even liberation.

These mental techniques consist of ancient exercises based on the wisdom of the classical mystics of our history as well as classical and modern exercises based on today’s latest approaches of modern science.

The mind yoga is very transformative and holds great potential for inner transformation. It focuses on lightness and being at ease. It is about feeling comfortable and being able to withstand challenging situations with insight and inner lightness.

It is a holistic approach of working with one’s own mind.

In the first year, there is a great deal of inner relaxation taking place which is a starting point for working more deeply on accessing the silence of one‘s inner self. In the process, we will experience many pleasant outcomes such as inner freedom and calm.

The the mind yoga only includes mental techniques and work with one’s mind. Physical exercises are not dealt with.

Yoga translates to union and is a way/technique to move from the duality of body and personality to knowing oneself in unity with the infinite universal Being.

Since the Mind Yoga is primarily concerned with liberation from our inner burdens and is thus inwardly focused, we are not concerned with physical exercises. Having said that, we do use a variety of breathing techniques as part of mental techniques.

The Mind Yoga Academy is suitable for anyone who feels that it is the right time to start feeling at ease. It is suitable for anyone who wishes to transform their own attitude because they already know that no one else will. The Mind Yoga Academy is for anyone who hears their inner “call”.

Learning and mastering the yoga of the mind at the MYA will be a breakthrough. You will learn to achieve a complete inner peace by exercising conscious inner attention and will have a bird-eye view on your life, seeing it less dramatic than it actually is. If we learnt these techniques from a young age, we would be able to live our life on the planet more at ease and peacefully.